The main assembly of European international Federation of Nurses assoctiations (EFN)

In october it was happening in London the main assembly of European international Federation of nurses assotiations. Nurses and midwives association of Slovenia is the permanent member of EFN association and also the member of assemblies. At this time of assembly it was shown a big part of implamentation's department which includes article of Eropean directive 55/2013 in conjunction of nurses' competences, getting specalized knowledges for nurses and also specialized knowledges in nursing care, in developement strategy of nursing care for dementia and others. We were also speaking about the refugees problem in Europe.

On the expert panel had the main point of speech Mrs. Darinka Klemenc and Mrs. Monika Ažman, who had shown us Upgraded comprehensive patient care CPC+ in which is also included Nurses and midwives association of Slovenia.

To all participants was shown the intention, time and content scope of project. It was especcially emphasized educational modul for community nurses in CHC Ljubljana, which was happening from june to september and included six educational modules. It concerns the upgrade of medical practices and contents, which were carried from medical model practices into home environment in which do community nurses. They had also emphasized, that community nurses with this education got many of important proficiency, which will be from october to april 2016 transmited into their causally fieldwork.